Douglas Haldeman – Leading Researcher in LGBTQ issues
Dr Douglas Haldeman , a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, Academician/Research Scholar JFK Shool of Psychology, United States. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to LGBTQ issues into Social Media and Digital Marketing applications.
He completed his B.A. in Drama at the University of Washington in 1973 before pursuing an M.A. in Teaching at Stanford University in 1975. Later, in 1984, he achieved his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Washington. His educational journey reflects a diverse range of disciplines, from drama to teaching and ultimately counseling psychology, showcasing a comprehensive and multidimensional academic background.
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Awards and Honors:
- APA Monitor’s one of “33 Most Influential Psychologists in the US,” (2018, August)
- Member, National Academies of Practice (Psychology) 2011
- John D. Black Award for professional contributions to Counseling Psychology (Society of Counseling Psychology, 2007)
- APA Presidential Citation, 2005
- Distinguished Professional Contribution to Psychology, Georgia Psychological Association (Division H), 2005
- Outstanding Scholarly Contribution, Special Issue on Religion and Conversion Therapy, The Counseling Psychologist, 2005, Society of Counseling Psychology (APA Division 17)
- Outstanding Leadership Award, APA Public Interest Caucus (2004)
- Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, APA Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns (2002)
- Distinguished Contribution to Education and Training, Society for the Psychological Study for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues (Division 44) (2000)
- Distinguished Professional Contribution, Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues (Division 44) (1999)
- Distinguished Psychologist Award, Washington State Psychological Association (1996)
- Outstanding Contribution, Washington State Psychological Association Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns (1992)
- Teacher of the Year, Harbor High School (Santa Cruz, CA) (1980)
- Master Teacher Award, Santa Cruz (CA) City Schools, (1979)
Member at Large, APA Board of Directors (2006 – 2008):
- Liaison to the APA Insurance Trust (2006)
- Liaison to Ethics Committee; Chair, Board Ethics Subcommittee (2006-2008)
- Member, BOD/CAPP Coordinating Subcommittee (2006-2008)
- Liaison (with Dr. Melba Vasquez) to Public Interest Directorate (2007-2008)
- Liaison to CSFC (Committee on Structure and Function of Council) (2007-2008)
- Liaison to APAGS (American Psychological Association of Graduate Students) (2007-2008)
Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues (Division 44):
- Representative to APA Council, 2001-2005; President, 1996-1997; President-Elect, 1995-1996; Past President, 1996-1997
- Member, Joint Task Force (with Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns) on Professional Practice Guidelines, 1993-2000 (Co-Chair, 1994-1996)
- Fellows Committee, 2000 & 2004
- Division Representative to Cluster Convention Programming, 2001-2003
- Division Representative to Joint Task Force (with Division 19) on Sexual Orientation and Military Service, 2004
Psychologists in Independent Practice (Division 42):
- Diversity Representative to APA Council (2010-present)
- Member at Large, Division Board of Directors 2003-2005
- Diversity Committee, member, 2009-2010 Chair, 2010-present
- Membership Committee, 2002-2004 (Chair, 2003)
- Fellows Committee, 2004-2006 (Chair, 2005)
Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) :
- Chair, APA Governance Nominations and Elections (2009-2011)
- Member, APA Awards Committee (2004-2006)
- Member, Section on Independent Practice (2003 – present)
- Member, Section on LGBT Awareness (2002 – present)
Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (Division 51):
- Member at Large, Division Board of Directors (200-2003)
- Division Representative to Divisions for Social Justice coalition (2001-2005)
- Other Division memberships: 29 (Psychotherapy); 31 (State, Provincial and Territorial Association Affairs); 43 (Family Psychology); 45 (Ethnic Minority issues); 56 (Trauma Psychology).
APA Board and Committee Memberships :
- Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (2009-2011); Chair, 2011
- CLGBC (Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns) 1994-1996; Chair, 1996
- Ethics Committee (Associate Member) 2000-2002
- CSFC (Committee on Structure and Function of Council) 2003-2005
Caucuses of APA Council of Representatives:
- LGBT Caucus, Chair (2010-2012)
- Association of Practicing Psychologists: President, 2005; Implementation Chair, 2003-2004; Treasurer, 2011-present
- Public Interest Caucus: Chair, 2003-2004; Treasurer, 2001-2002
Editorial Positions:
- Consulting Editor, Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (2013-present)
- Consulting Editor, Journal of Lesbian and Gay Mental Health (2012 – present)
- Consulting Editor, Practice Innovations (2014-present)
- Guest reviewer, Applied Developmental Science (2010)
- Consulting Editor, Professional Psychology; Research and Practice (1997-2003; 2005 – present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Clinical Psychology (2010-2011)
- Consulting Editor, Journal of Men and Masculinity, (2006-2010)
- Guest Reviewer, Traumatology (2009)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy (1997 – present)
- Haldeman, D. (2022). Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy. In Goldberg, A. (Ed), The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBT Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Haldeman, D. (2021). Social justice and psychology: Why we should care. The California Psychologist, 54(2), 12-15.
- Hancock, K. & Haldeman, D. (2020). A history of sexual orientation and mental health. In E. Rothblum (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. New York: Oxford Press.
- Haldeman, D. (2020). Out of the shadows: Improving health care for sexual minority and gender diverse individuals. In J. Zimmerman, J. Barnett & L. Campbell (Eds.), Bringing Psychotherapy to the Underserved: Challenges and Strategies, 123-144, New York: Oxford Press.
- Haldeman, D. (2018). Appropriate therapeutic responses to questioning sexual orientation. Journal of Health Service Psychology. Washington, D.C.: National Register.
- Haldeman, D. (2017). A curriculum for mental health providers working with gay men. SAMHSA Policy Statement. Washington, D.C.: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association.
- Pantalone, D., Haldeman, D., & Martell, C. (2017). LGBT patients in the health care setting. In O.Z. Sahler & J.E. Carr (Eds.), The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care, 2nd Ed. Goettingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Haber
- Hancock, K. & Haldeman, D. (2017). Between the lines: Media coverage of Orlando and beyond. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 4(2), 152-159.
- Haldeman, D. (2017). Inspiration you can use: Connecting practice, community, and culture. The California Psychologist, 50(1), 12-15.
- Haldeman, D. (2016). Sexual orientation conversion therapy. In A. Goldberg (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Issues. Los Angeles: Sage Press.
Douglas Haldeman | LGBTQ issues | Best Researcher Award