Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrYuanyuanTianNanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeSocial Media and Digital Marketing StrategySocial Media and Digital Marketing StrategyBest Researcher Award
MsPayamIsmaelsoran universityIraqWeb Analytics and Metrics.Women Researcher Award
DrConnie Keh NieLimUniversiti Malaysia SarawakMalaysiaIntroduction to Social Media and Digital MarketingMusicBest Researcher Award
MrMiguelCamacho-RuizUniversidad Complutense de MadridSpainContent Creation and CurationTourist events classification, Artificial IntelligenceBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMahdiRezaeiUniversity of LeedsUnited KingdomSocial Media and Digital Marketing StrategyAutonomous VehiclesBest Researcher Award
MsDianYuanthe First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityChinaSocial Media Platforms and Their Featuresscientific researchBest Researcher Award
DrYanaWengelHNU-ASU International Joint Tourism College, Hainan UniversityChinaInfluencer MarketingTourism in Protected AreasBest Researcher Award
ProfYuPanShanghai International Studies UniversityChinaMobile MarketingInformation systems and digital marketingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCheloCalafatUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSpainCommunity Management and EngagementDemographic challengeBest Paper Award
ProfXiaomingTaoHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong KongFuture of Social Media and Digital Marketingsmart textile interactive technologyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrNoorJuliansyahLa Tansa Mashiro UniversityIndonesiaSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Human Resources ManagementBest Researcher Award
DrThanatchaphanPetcharatThammasat UniversityThailandSocial Media and Digital Marketing Strategyprocess for consumer behaviorBest Researcher Award
DrLouisaSylviaMassachussets General HospitalUnited StatesSocial Media Platforms and Their FeaturesPsychiatry/depressionBest Researcher Award
DrVesileESKİCİ İLGİNATATÜRK UNİVERSİTYTurkeyIntroduction to Social Media and Digital MarketingacademicianBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrPaiLiuDalian University of TechnologyChinaAnalytics and ReportingBig data analysis and reportBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrFatenArfaouiHigher Institute of Management (ISG-Tunis), TunisiaTunisiaAnalytics and Reportingaccounting, educationSocial Media Education Leadership Award
MrMohammadKhalooeiAmirkabir University of TechnologyIranFuture Trends in Social Media and Digital MarketingRobust Machine learningYoung Scientist Award
DrOlgaHannonenUniversity of Eastern FinlandFinlandThe Evolution of Social Media and Digital MarketingDigital nomadismBest Researcher Award
ProfFangchengTangBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyChinaSocial Media Platforms and Their FeaturesCollaborative Pattern of Platform and Their Network StructureExcellence in Research
Assoc Prof DrZulfiqar AhmadRehanSultan qaboos UniversityOmanAnalytics and ReportingIndustrial researchBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for



Mr. Rasoul Keshmiri-Naqab | Babol Noshirvani | Iran

Mr.Rasoul Keshmiri-Naqab...Babol Noshirvani...He is from Iran... He won the Young Scientist Award. He has recently received a degree from Babol Noshirvani University Technology (BNUT), Iran with GPA: A. ...In his MSc thesis, He conducted research in the field of dye wastewater treatment by developing a novel natural of adsorbent using organoclay. He could publish the results of my work in the Journal of Environmental Management. He has also submitted a manuscript out of some other part of his research to Chemosphere which is under review and hopefully will be published in the near future. He was ranked #200 out of about 2000 applicants in the MSc entrance exam 2020.

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