Magaji Abdullaji Usman | Digital platform and startup performance

Magaji Abdullaji Usman – Leading Researcher in Digital platform and startup performance

Congratulations, Mr Magaji Abdullaji Usman, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ResearchW! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Mr Magaji Abdullaji Usman, a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, Academician/Research Scholar Northeastern University, China. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing Web Analytics and Metrics, specifically in Big Data Analytics, Block Chain Technologies, Machine Learning into Social Media and Digital Marketing applications.

📚 Education:

In 1995, he laid the foundation for his education by obtaining the Primary Certificate from Gaya Special Primary School in Gaya, Kano, Nigeria. This early milestone marked the beginning of his educational journey.Fast forward to 2001, he successfully completed his Senior Secondary School education at Unity Secondary School Karaye in Karaye, Kano, Nigeria, earning the Senior Secondary School Certificate.

In 2003, he furthered his education at the College of Arts and Science Kano, Kano, Nigeria, where he obtained the IJMB Certificate. Building on his academic achievements, he pursued higher education at Kano State College of Education Kumbotso in Kumbotso, Kano, Nigeria, earning the National Certificate of Education in 2007.

Continuing his quest for knowledge, he enrolled at Bayero University Kano, Kano, Nigeria, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics with Second Class Upper honors in 2009.In 2013, he further honed his skills and knowledge by completing an MBA in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance, achieving Second Class Upper honors from Bayero University Kano. Taking a step further, he pursued a Master of Science degree in Econometrics at SRM University Chennai in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, graduating with First Class with Distinction in 2015.

Currently, he is engaged in the pursuit of knowledge in the field of Philosophy of Science and Enterprise Management at Northeastern University in Shenyang, Liaoning, China, with an expected completion date in July 2024. This ongoing academic journey reflects his commitment to continuous learning and personal development.

🌐 Profile Links:

🏛️ Core Competencies:

Public policy background, Data collection and analysis, Community development, Financial policy development, Analytical thinker, Strategic and financial planning expert, Creative problem solver, Public speaking

🏆 Accomplishments:

  • Helped design highly innovative programs for Durbar research and yearly cultural events.
  • Headed the unit soliciting the community in 2013.
  • Awarded Best Teacher at Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse in 2010.
  • Earned Best Paper Presenter at SRM University in 2014.

👩‍💼 Working Experience:

  • Nov 2010 to Apr 2021: Planning Officer I, National Council for Arts and Culture – Kaduna, Nigeria
  • May 2009 to Jul 2010: Graduate Assistant, Jigawa State Polytechnics Dutse – Jigawa, Nigeria
  • Oct 2004 to May 2009: Classroom Teacher, Gaya Local Education Authority – Kano, Nigeria

📜 Professional Certificates:

  • 2015: Certificate in Applied Econometrics and Finance
  • 2013: SAS Certificate
  • 2011: Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM)
  • 2009: PC Hardware and Software
  • 2009: Network Operating System
  • 2006: Certificate in Computer

📚 Publications And Conferences:

  • International Conference on Digital Innovation and High-Quality Development organized by Guangdong and Journal of Emerging Market Finance and Trade (EMFT) Entrepreneurial Bricolage Application on the Transition from Latent to Emergent Entrepreneurship in Digital Platforms-2022
  • Tsinghua University in Collaboration with Management Organization Review (MOR) & Journal of Innovation Sciences (JIS) (Do Chinese Industry Spur Innovation to Embrace the Challenges of World’s New Scientific and Technological Revolution. Data Envelopment Approach) -2019
  • Social Science International Research Journal (IMRF) (constraint to growth among women farmers cooperative society in Kano state, Nigeria) Volume 3 Issue 1(2015) ISSN 2395- 0544-2015
  • Annamalai Journal of Management Sciences (Critical Analysis of Frauds in the Nigerian Financial Institution (Evidence from Commercial Banks) Special issue ISSN-0974-0406-2015

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Social Media and Digital Marketing


Introduction of Legal and Ethical Considerations in Social Media and Digital Marketing

Legal and ethical considerations in social media and digital marketing are of paramount importance in the ever-evolving digital landscape. As businesses and marketers harness the power of online platforms to connect with audiences, it is imperative to navigate the complex web of laws, regulations, and ethical standards that govern digital marketing practices. Understanding and adhering to these principles is vital to protect consumer rights, privacy, and trust, while also avoiding legal complications.

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Social Media and Digital Marketing: 

Privacy and Data Protection:

Examining the legal obligations and ethical responsibilities regarding the collection, storage, and use of user data in digital marketing, including compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Transparency and Disclosure:

Investigating ethical guidelines for transparent and honest marketing practices, including the disclosure of paid partnerships, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

Intellectual Property Rights:

Researching copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws in the digital sphere, including fair use, licensing, and the ethical use of others' content.

Deceptive Advertising and False Claims:

Analyzing legal and ethical guidelines for truthful advertising, including avoiding false claims, misleading promotions, and deceptive marketing practices.

Influencer Marketing Ethics:

Studying ethical considerations in influencer marketing, such as influencer transparency, authenticity, and the responsibility of both brands and influencers to maintain trust with audiences.

Online Reputation Management:

Exploring strategies and ethical considerations for managing online reputation, addressing negative reviews, and responding to online criticism professionally and responsibly.

Ethical Use of User-Generated Content:

Investigating the legal and ethical use of user-generated content in marketing campaigns, including obtaining proper permissions and giving credit to content creators.

Ethical Social Media Engagement:

Researching ethical guidelines for engagement on social media platforms, including respectful discourse, addressing online harassment, and maintaining a positive online community.

Regulatory Compliance:

Studying industry-specific regulations, advertising standards, and government guidelines that impact digital marketing, ensuring compliance to avoid legal issues.

Ethical Considerations in Targeting and Personalization:

Exploring the ethical use of customer data for targeting and personalization, addressing concerns related to algorithmic bias and respecting user consent.

Introduction of Social Media and Digital Marketing Introduction of Social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and evolving field that explores the ever-changing landscape of online platforms and
Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Their Features Research on social media platforms and their features is essential in today's digital landscape as these platforms continue to evolve, shaping how
Introduction of Understanding Consumer Behavior Understanding consumer behavior is a vital area of research that delves into the complex psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumers' choices and purchasing
Introduction of Content Creation and Curation Content creation and curation research is at the heart of the digital age, as it explores the strategies and techniques involved in producing and
Introduction of Community Management and Engagement Community management and engagement research is a dynamic field that focuses on cultivating and nurturing online communities, fostering meaningful interactions, and driving user participation
Introduction of Influence Marketing Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, aimed at enhancing a website's visibility and ranking in search
Introduction of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising research is a dynamic discipline that delves into the strategies, technologies, and best practices behind online advertising campaigns where advertisers pay a
Introduction of Email Marketing Email marketing research is a fundamental discipline within the digital marketing landscape, focusing on the strategies, tools, and tactics used to reach and engage target audiences
Introduction of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing research is a critical field that explores the strategies, technologies, and trends in reaching and engaging audiences through mobile devices. As mobile usage continues

The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing


Introduction of The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing

The evolution of social media and digital marketing has been a transformative journey, reshaping the way businesses connect with their audiences and promote their products or services. Over the years, these fields have witnessed dynamic shifts driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and emerging trends. Understanding this evolution is essential for staying relevant in the fast-paced digital landscape.

The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing:

Early Days of Social Media Marketing:

Exploring the origins of social media marketing, from the basic profiles and pages to the emergence of platforms like MySpace, Friendster, and early Facebook advertising.

Rise of Mobile and App-Based Marketing:

Analyzing the impact of mobile devices and the proliferation of apps on digital marketing strategies, including mobile advertising, in-app marketing, and responsive design.

Social Media Advertising and Targeting:

Investigating the growth of social media advertising, including the development of targeted advertising options, sponsored content, and programmatic advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Content Marketing and SEO:

Studying the integration of content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) as essential components of digital marketing, with a focus on quality content and user-centric optimization.

Influencer Marketing and User-Generated Content:

Exploring the rise of influencer marketing and the role of user-generated content in shaping brand perception and engagement on social platforms.

Data Analytics and Personalization:

Researching the role of data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in enabling personalized marketing experiences and dynamic content recommendations.

Social Commerce and E-commerce Integration:

Analyzing the integration of social commerce features on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, and the impact of shoppable posts and in-app purchases on digital marketing.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations:

Investigating the evolving landscape of privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and ethical considerations in data collection, user tracking, and digital marketing practices.

Social Media Trends and Emerging Technologies:

Exploring current and emerging trends in social media, such as live streaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the influence of emerging technologies on marketing strategies.

The Future of Digital Marketing:

Speculating on the future of digital marketing, including the continued growth of AI-driven marketing automation, the integration of voice search, and the potential impact of blockchain technology on advertising transparency.

Introduction of Social Media and Digital Marketing Introduction of Social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and evolving field that explores the ever-changing landscape of online platforms and
Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Their Features Research on social media platforms and their features is essential in today's digital landscape as these platforms continue to evolve, shaping how
Introduction of Understanding Consumer Behavior Understanding consumer behavior is a vital area of research that delves into the complex psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumers' choices and purchasing
Introduction of Content Creation and Curation Content creation and curation research is at the heart of the digital age, as it explores the strategies and techniques involved in producing and
Introduction of Community Management and Engagement Community management and engagement research is a dynamic field that focuses on cultivating and nurturing online communities, fostering meaningful interactions, and driving user participation
Introduction of Influence Marketing Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, aimed at enhancing a website's visibility and ranking in search
Introduction of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising research is a dynamic discipline that delves into the strategies, technologies, and best practices behind online advertising campaigns where advertisers pay a
Introduction of Email Marketing Email marketing research is a fundamental discipline within the digital marketing landscape, focusing on the strategies, tools, and tactics used to reach and engage target audiences
Introduction of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing research is a critical field that explores the strategies, technologies, and trends in reaching and engaging audiences through mobile devices. As mobile usage continues

Influence Marketing

Introduction of Influence Marketing

Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or ideas. Understanding the dynamics of influence marketing is crucial for businesses and marketers aiming to harness the persuasive power of influencers in today's digital age.

 Influence Marketing:

Influencer Selection and Collaboration:

Investigating the criteria and strategies for identifying and partnering with influencers who align with a brand's values and target audience, as well as the dynamics of influencer-brand relationships.

Micro-Influencers and Niche Marketing:

Analyzing the effectiveness of micro-influencers, who have smaller but highly engaged followings, and their role in niche markets and hyper-targeted campaigns.

Influencer Authenticity and Trust:

Researching the importance of authenticity and transparency in influencer marketing, including the impact of influencer credibility on consumer trust.

Influencer Marketing Campaign ROI:

Studying the methods and metrics used to measure the return on investment (ROI) of influencer marketing campaigns, including sales attribution and brand awareness.

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

Examining ethical concerns and legal regulations related to influencer marketing, such as disclosure requirements, sponsored content labeling, and deceptive practices.

Influence Marketing on Emerging Platforms:

Exploring the adaptation of influence marketing strategies to emerging platforms and technologies, including TikTok, Snapchat, and virtual reality, and their unique challenges and opportunities.

Cross-Channel Influence Marketing:

Analyzing the integration of influencer marketing across multiple digital channels, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, and live streaming, to create cohesive brand narratives.

Influencer Marketing in B2B:

Researching the application of influencer marketing in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, including the identification of industry thought leaders and their impact on professional networks.

Influencer Marketing in Crisis Management:

Studying the role of influencers in crisis communication and reputation management, as well as their potential to mitigate reputational damage during crises.

Measurement of Long-Term Influencer Impact:

Investigating how influencer marketing can contribute to long-term brand loyalty and customer retention beyond short-term campaign goals, including building enduring brand communities.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

Examining legal and ethical issues related to community management, including privacy, user data protection, and compliance with online content regulations.

Introduction of Social Media and Digital Marketing Introduction of Social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and evolving field that explores the ever-changing landscape of online platforms and
Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Their Features Research on social media platforms and their features is essential in today's digital landscape as these platforms continue to evolve, shaping how
Introduction of Understanding Consumer Behavior Understanding consumer behavior is a vital area of research that delves into the complex psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumers' choices and purchasing
Introduction of Content Creation and Curation Content creation and curation research is at the heart of the digital age, as it explores the strategies and techniques involved in producing and
Introduction of Community Management and Engagement Community management and engagement research is a dynamic field that focuses on cultivating and nurturing online communities, fostering meaningful interactions, and driving user participation
Introduction of Influence Marketing Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, aimed at enhancing a website's visibility and ranking in search
Introduction of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising research is a dynamic discipline that delves into the strategies, technologies, and best practices behind online advertising campaigns where advertisers pay a
Introduction of Email Marketing Email marketing research is a fundamental discipline within the digital marketing landscape, focusing on the strategies, tools, and tactics used to reach and engage target audiences
Introduction of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing research is a critical field that explores the strategies, technologies, and trends in reaching and engaging audiences through mobile devices. As mobile usage continues

The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing


Introduction of The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing

The evolution of social media and digital marketing has been a transformative journey, reshaping the way businesses connect with their audiences and promote their products or services. Over the years, these fields have witnessed dynamic shifts driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and emerging trends. Understanding this evolution is essential for staying relevant in the fast-paced digital landscape.

The Evolution of Social Media and Digital Marketing:

Early Days of Social Media Marketing:

Exploring the origins of social media marketing, from the basic profiles and pages to the emergence of platforms like MySpace, Friendster, and early Facebook advertising.

Rise of Mobile and App-Based Marketing:

Analyzing the impact of mobile devices and the proliferation of apps on digital marketing strategies, including mobile advertising, in-app marketing, and responsive design.

Social Media Advertising and Targeting:

Investigating the growth of social media advertising, including the development of targeted advertising options, sponsored content, and programmatic advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Content Marketing and SEO:

Studying the integration of content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) as essential components of digital marketing, with a focus on quality content and user-centric optimization.

Influencer Marketing and User-Generated Content:

Exploring the rise of influencer marketing and the role of user-generated content in shaping brand perception and engagement on social platforms.

Data Analytics and Personalization:

Researching the role of data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in enabling personalized marketing experiences and dynamic content recommendations.

Social Commerce and E-commerce Integration:

Analyzing the integration of social commerce features on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, and the impact of shoppable posts and in-app purchases on digital marketing.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations:

Investigating the evolving landscape of privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and ethical considerations in data collection, user tracking, and digital marketing practices.

Social Media Trends and Emerging Technologies:

Exploring current and emerging trends in social media, such as live streaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the influence of emerging technologies on marketing strategies.

The Future of Digital Marketing:

Speculating on the future of digital marketing, including the continued growth of AI-driven marketing automation, the integration of voice search, and the potential impact of blockchain technology on advertising transparency.

Introduction of Social Media and Digital Marketing Social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and evolving field that explores the ever-changing landscape of online platforms and consumer behavior.
Introduction of Understanding Consumer Behavior Understanding consumer behavior is a vital area of research that delves into the complex psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumers' choices and purchasing
Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Their Features Research on social media platforms and their features is essential in today's digital landscape as these platforms continue to evolve, shaping how
Introduction of Content Creation and Curation Content creation and curation research is at the heart of the digital age, as it explores the strategies and techniques involved in producing and
Introduction of Community Management and Engagement Community management and engagement research is a dynamic field that focuses on cultivating and nurturing online communities, fostering meaningful interactions, and driving user participation
Introduction of Influence Marketing Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, aimed at enhancing a website's visibility and ranking in search
Introduction of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising research is a dynamic discipline that delves into the strategies, technologies, and best practices behind online advertising campaigns where advertisers pay a
Introduction of Email Marketing Email marketing research is a fundamental discipline within the digital marketing landscape, focusing on the strategies, tools, and tactics used to reach and engage target audiences
Introduction of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing research is a critical field that explores the strategies, technologies, and trends in reaching and engaging audiences through mobile devices. As mobile usage continues

Future of Social Media and Digital Marketing


Introduction of Future of Social Media and Digital Marketing

The future of social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and forward-looking field that anticipates the evolving trends, technologies, and strategies that will shape the digital landscape. In a rapidly changing digital world, understanding the future of social media and digital marketing is essential for businesses and marketers seeking to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to emerging opportunities and challenges.

Future of Social Media and Digital Marketing:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation:

Exploring how AI-powered chatbots, recommendation engines, and predictive analytics will revolutionize personalized marketing, customer service, and content creation.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):

Analyzing the integration of AR and VR into social media and digital marketing strategies, from immersive advertising experiences to virtual showrooms.

Social Commerce and Shoppable Content:

Researching the growth of social commerce, including in-app shopping features, live-streamed product launches, and the future of e-commerce within social platforms.

Data Privacy and Regulation:

Studying the impact of evolving data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) on digital marketing practices and strategies for maintaining user trust and compliance.

Influencer Marketing Evolution:

Investigating how influencer marketing will evolve, including the rise of micro-influencers, influencer authenticity, and influencer marketing's role in brand storytelling.

User-Generated Content and Community Building:

Exploring the continued importance of user-generated content in building brand communities and strategies for fostering user-generated content in the future.

Voice Search and Conversational Marketing:

Analyzing the growth of voice search and its implications for SEO, content optimization, and the rise of conversational marketing through voice-activated devices.

Ethical AI and Responsible Marketing:

Researching ethical considerations in AI-powered marketing, including bias mitigation, transparency, and responsible AI practices.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

Studying the growing importance of sustainability and social responsibility in digital marketing, including eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and conscious consumerism.

Emerging Technologies and Platforms:

Exploring the impact of emerging technologies like blockchain, 5G, and quantum computing on social media and digital marketing strategies, as well as the rise of new social platforms.

Introduction of Social Media and Digital Marketing Social media and digital marketing research is a dynamic and evolving field that explores the ever-changing landscape of online platforms and consumer behavior.
Introduction of Understanding Consumer Behavior Understanding consumer behavior is a vital area of research that delves into the complex psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumers' choices and purchasing
Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Their Features Research on social media platforms and their features is essential in today's digital landscape as these platforms continue to evolve, shaping how
Introduction of Content Creation and Curation Content creation and curation research is at the heart of the digital age, as it explores the strategies and techniques involved in producing and
Introduction of Community Management and Engagement Community management and engagement research is a dynamic field that focuses on cultivating and nurturing online communities, fostering meaningful interactions, and driving user participation
Introduction of Influence Marketing Influence marketing research explores the evolving landscape of influencer-driven marketing strategies, which leverage the reach and authority of individuals or groups to promote products, services, or
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) research is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, aimed at enhancing a website's visibility and ranking in search
Introduction of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising research is a dynamic discipline that delves into the strategies, technologies, and best practices behind online advertising campaigns where advertisers pay a
Introduction of Email Marketing Email marketing research is a fundamental discipline within the digital marketing landscape, focusing on the strategies, tools, and tactics used to reach and engage target audiences
Introduction of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing research is a critical field that explores the strategies, technologies, and trends in reaching and engaging audiences through mobile devices. As mobile usage continues