Mona Ismail | Nature Product | Member

Mona Ismail | Nature Product | Member

Dr Mona Ismail National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt

Mona Ismail is an Associate Professor of Phycology at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Alexandria, Egypt. With a notable expertise in her field, she has authored approximately 40 published papers in international journals, establishing herself as a respected voice in the scientific community. Her contributions extend beyond research, as she actively participates as both an editor and reviewer for various prestigious scientific international journals. Passionate about algae and biodiversity, she remains dedicated to advancing knowledge in these areas through her ongoing studies and scholarly endeavors. With her profound interest and extensive experience, she continues to make valuable contributions to the field of phycology, enriching our understanding of marine ecosystems and biodiversity conservation.


She holds a Ph.D. in Microbiology with a specialization in Phycology, obtained from the Faculty of Science at Tanta University, Egypt, in May 2010. Her doctoral research focused on the biological treatment of agricultural wastes, particularly in controlling rot root of Glycine Max. Prior to this, she earned her Master of Science degree in Microbiology with a focus on Phycology from Tanta University in October 2005. Her master’s research delved into biomass production of unicellular green algae under various growth conditions. Her academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, Botany, and Microbiology, which she completed with distinction, earning a grade of “Very Good” from Tanta University in June 1999. Throughout her academic career, she has demonstrated a keen interest and dedication to the field of Microbiology, particularly in the study of algae and their applications in various domains.

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She has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) in Alexandria since March 2019, where she contributes her expertise to various research projects and academic initiatives. Prior to this role, she worked as a Researcher at NIOF from June 2013 to 2019, gaining valuable experience in marine science and research methodologies. Beginning her career in academia, she served as an Assistant Researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in September 2012. Her academic journey started earlier as a Lecturer of Botany and Microbiology, specializing in Phycology, at both the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Education at Kafr El-Sheekh University from January 2011 to June 2013. Before joining NIOF, she also held positions as an Assistant Researcher in Botany and Microbiology at Tanta University and contributed to teaching practical courses in the Botany Department from 2000 to 2005. Through her diverse experiences and dedication to marine science, she continues to make significant contributions to the field.


  1. Chemodiversity and bioactivity assessment of phlorotannins from some Phaeophyta species from the Red Sea Published By : 2023
  2. Morpho-anatomical, and chemical characterization of some calcareous Mediterranean red algae species. Published By : 2023
  3. Evaluation of the response of phytoplankton communities to heavy metal stresses using multi-statistical approach, Alexandria coast, Egypt. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Published By : 2023
  4. Water quality indices as tools for assessment of the Eastern Harbor’s water status (Alexandria, Egypt) Published By : 2023
  5. Physico-chemodiversity variation betweenthe most common calcareous red seaweed, Eastern Harbor, Alexandria, Egypt. Published By : 2023
  6. Probiotics and algal functional food Published By : 2022
  7. Weekly Fluctuation in Phytoplankton Macromolecular Composition in Response to Environmental Changes in the Eastern Harbour, Alexandria (Egypt). Published By : 2022
  8. Phytochemical variation, antioxidant and antidiabetic capacity of extracts of common brown seaweeds from the Red Sea, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries. Published By : 2022
  9. Chemical characterization and biological activities of ulvan extracted from Ulva fasciata (Chlorophyta). Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Published By : 2022
  10. Antioxidant and Antiviral Activity of Sulfated Polysaccharides Derived from Two Sargassum Species of Red Sea Egypt  Published By : 2022


Sudarsan JS | Circular economy in C and D waste management

Sudarsan JS – Leading Researcher in Circular economy in C and D waste management

Dr Sudarsan JS, a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, Academician/Research Scholar National Institute of Construction Management And Research, India. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to Circular economy in C and D waste management into Social Media and Digital Marketing applications.


In 2001, he earned his B.E. in Civil Engineering from Shanmuga College of Engineering, Thanjavur. Building on this foundation, he went on to complete an M.E. in Environmental Engineering from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, in 2002. Subsequently, he deepened his expertise by obtaining a PGD in Industrial Safety from Anna University, Coimbatore, in 2009. His academic journey culminated with the achievement of a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from SRM IST, Chennai, in 2017.

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🎓 Training and Workshops:

    • Successfully completed a 5-day Executive Development Programme on Leadership & Management for Water & Sanitation Projects in 2021, gaining insights into the basic needs and rights of access to safe domestic water, good health, and hygiene via decentralized governance.
    • Completed a 3-day Training Program on Environmental Sustainability & Research Ethics in 2022, acquiring knowledge about the concept of environmental sustainability to provide an ethical basis for research.
    • Participated in a one-week short-term training program on Recent Trends in Sustainable Development in 2022, exploring various recent trends such as Women-led Business, Waste Management, Electric Vehicles, ESG, and more.
    • Participated in a one-week Online Faculty Development Program on Sustainable Manufacturing Management in 2022.
    • Completed a Short-Term Online Course on Environmental Sustainability Assessment in 2022.
    • Attended the International Conclave on Adoption of Green Construction Practices with Focus on Water Resources organized by the Indian Water Works Association in 2022.
    • Participated in the Online International Networking Workshop PPGDRI 2020, organized jointly by IIT Delhi, NIDM, and IGS Delhi Chapter.

📜 Certifications:

  • Completed a Certificate Course in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) in 2022.
  • Certified in Climate Change through Coursera.
  • Certified in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries through Coursera.
  • NPTEL Online Certification in Project Planning and Control – IIT Madras.
  • NPTEL Online Certification in Earth Sciences for Civil Engineering – IIT Madras.
  • Certified in Natural Attenuation of Groundwater Contaminants: New Paradigms, Technologies, & Applications through Coursera.
  • Certified in Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies through Coursera.

📈 Work Experience:

 Key Result Areas:

  • Developing new modules related to Environmental Sustainability and Environmental Management System as a Program Director of Energy and Environment Department.
  • Setting up a research agenda in Wastewater Treatment & Environmental Sustainability.
  • Working as a Corporate Trainer, providing training to working professionals on Sustainability and HSE Management.
  • Increasing the number of community-engaged research proposal submissions to extramural sponsors by facilitating academic and community cooperation.
  • Setting up a research agenda for Water Conservation & Sustainable Water Management to publish research articles in blogs, magazines, and peer-reviewed journals.
  • Boosting the number of proposals submitted for community-engaged research through CSR funding and other government research grants from Ramky Enviro Systems, Department of Science & Technology of India, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) of India, and American Chemical Society.

🤝 Affiliations:

  • Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Science Congress (ISCA), Institution of Public Health Engineers (IPHE), Indian Water Works Association (IWWA), Indian Water Resource Society (IWRS), Institution of Hydrologist (IAH), Indian Meteorological Society (IMS), and Indian Concrete Society (ICI).
  • Member of Institution of Engineers (IEI), Institution of Engineering & Technology (MIET), UK, and International Water Association (IWA), UK.

📚 Books Authored:

    • Co-Authored a book titled “Concrete Technology” by ARS Publishers, Chennai.
    • Co-Authored a book titled “Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures” by ARS Publishers, Chennai.


  1. Jain, M.S., Sudarsan, J.S. & Parija, P.P. Managing construction and demolition waste using lean tools to achieve
    environmental sustainability: an Indian perspective. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2023).
  2. Sujatha, E.R., Sudarsan, J.S. & Nithiyanantham, S. A review on sustainable reinforcing techniques to stabilize slopes
    against landslides. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2023).
  3. Sudarsan, J.S., Gavali, H. Application of BIM in conjunction with circular economy principles for sustainable
    construction. Environ Dev Sustain (2023).
  4. Mishra, A.K., Sudarsan, J.S. & Nithiyanantham, S. An assessment of status of selected electric connected pumping water supply projects of Gandaki Province of Nepal-Asia. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 20, 1479–1488 (2023).
  5. Srinivasan, K., Sudarsan, J.S. & Nithiyanantham, S. Assessment of carbon nanotube’s bulk density property for improving flexural aspects of reinforcement steel-less concrete in construction projects-II. Appl Nanosci (2023).
  6. Sudarsan, J.S., Koteeshwari, R. & Nithiyanantham, S. Assessment of influencing factors in selecting effective mobile
    applications—a drive toward automation in construction projects. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2023).
  7. M. Ramesh, M. Goel, J.S. Sudarsan, S. Nithiyanantham, Development of a high rate biological system (Anammox +
    phosporous) for the treatment of low strength wastewaters, Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,Volume 5,
    2023,Pages 24-28,ISSN 2590-1826,