Christiane Lange-Küttner | Education | Best Researcher Award

Christiane Lange-Küttner | Education | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Christiane Lange-Küttner Leibniz Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Germany

She is an accomplished scholar with a diverse academic background and extensive experience in the field of psychology. In 2008, she received her Habilitation at the Universität Bremen, earning the Venia Legendi for Psychology. Her title, “Objects, places and space systems in development and learning,” reflects her expertise in this area. She has held various prestigious positions throughout her career, including being appointed as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in York, England, in 2016. Currently, she serves as the Project Lead for ‘INSIDE’ at the Leibniz-Institute for Educational Trajectories in Bamberg, Germany, since 2023. Additionally, she has been associated with the University of Bremen as a Privatdozentin (Associated Faculty) in the Department of Psychology since 2008. Her contributions to the field of psychology have been significant, and her work continues to impact research and education in developmental psychology and learning.

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She is a distinguished academic with a wealth of achievements in the field of psychology and higher education. Her academic journey began with a Bachelor/Master’s degree in Psychology from the Technical University Berlin in 1986, where she excelled with an Upper Second-Class mark. She continued her academic pursuits, earning her Doctorate in Philosophy, “Magna Cum Laude,” from the Free University of Berlin/Max Planck Institute of Human Development and Education in 1993. Her dissertation, “The development of graphic competence in the child,” was published in 1994 and remains influential in the field. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a commitment to teaching and learning, obtaining an Advanced Diploma in Professional Development from the University of North London in 2000. Her research interests extend to developmental psychology, reflected in her title “Objects, places, and space systems in development and learning.” She has received recognition for her contributions, including becoming a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2016 and being chartered as a psychologist by the British Psychological Society in 1997. Her dedication to advancing knowledge and education in psychology is evident in her extensive academic and professional accomplishments.


She boasts an illustrious career spanning across prestigious academic institutions and research projects, demonstrating her expertise and dedication to the field of psychology. With her extensive background, she has made significant contributions to developmental psychology and education. From 2023, she has been serving as the Project Lead for ‘INSIDE’ at the Leibniz-Institute for Educational Trajectories in Bamberg, Germany. Her academic journey includes positions such as Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus (Honorary Professor) in 2014, and a Fixed-term W3-Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Greifswald, Germany, from 2021 to 2022. She has also held roles as a Fixed-term W2-Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Konstanz, Germany, from 2009 to 2011. Previously, she served as a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at London Metropolitan University in the UK from 1999 to 2020 and as a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, from 1994 to 1999. Earlier in her career, she was involved in various teaching and research roles, including a Lehrbeauftragte position in Experimental Psychology at the Free University Berlin and a Research Project at the Cognitive Science Lab, supervised by Prof. Friederici at the Free University of Berlin. Her wealth of experience and expertise continue to shape the landscape of psychology and academia.


  1. The emergence of visually realistic contour in the drawing of the human figure Cited By : 70, Published By ; 2002
  2. Pressure, velocity, and time in speeded drawing of basic graphic patterns by young children Cited By : 67, Published By ; 1898
  3. Habitual size and projective size: The logic of spatial systems in children’s drawings. Cited By : 60, Published By ; 2009
  4. Development of size modification of human figure drawings in spatial axes systems of varying complexity Cited By : 60, Published By ; 1997
  5. The transformation of figurative thought: Implications of Piaget and Inhelder’s developmental theory for children’s drawings. Cited By : 56, Published By ; 1995
  6. Girls in detail, boys in shape: Gender differences when drawing cubes in depth Cited By : 54, Published By ; 2013
  7. More evidence on size modification in spatial axes systems of varying complexity Cited By : 46, Published By ; 2004
  8. Drawing and looking: Theoretical approaches to pictorial representation in children. Cited By : 46, Published By ; 1995
  9. The role of object violation in the development of visual analysis Cited By : 40, Published By ; 2000
  10. Sex differences in visual realism in drawings of animate and inanimate objects Cited By : 39, Published By ; 2011

Mariam Keshvari | Community Librarianship | Best Researcher Award

Mariam Keshvari | Community Librarianship | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Mariam Keshvari University of Isfahan, Iran

With a focus on “Community Information Services,” “Library Marketing,” and “Scientometrics,” she delves into the intricate realms of information dissemination and scholarly evaluation. As an educator, she imparts her expertise through courses on Scientometrics, Outreach Services of Libraries, Community Information Services, Reference Services, Evaluation of Scientific Materials, and Scientific Indexes and Abstracts, nurturing a generation of information professionals adept at navigating the evolving landscape of knowledge dissemination and utilization.


She is Mariam Keshvari, currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Knowledge and Information Science at the University of Isfahan. With a profound academic background, she obtained her Master’s degree in Knowledge and Information Science (KIS) from Shahid Chamran University in 2009, laying a solid foundation for her scholarly pursuits. Driven by a passion for advancing her field, she pursued further studies and successfully completed her Ph.D. in Knowledge and Information Science (KIS) from the same institution in 2019, showcasing her dedication to academic excellence and specialization in her chosen domain. As an Assistant Professor, she brings her extensive expertise and research acumen to the forefront, enriching the academic environment at the University of Isfahan. Her contributions extend beyond the classroom, encompassing research endeavors and scholarly publications that contribute to the advancement of Knowledge and Information Science, thereby shaping the future of the field. With a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research, she continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of scholars in the vibrant landscape of information science.

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She dedicated fourteen years of her career as a librarian in public libraries across Lorestan province, Iran, from 2008 to 2022. Throughout this extensive tenure, she fervently championed the cause of literacy and reading promotion, especially in underprivileged regions, with a particular emphasis on enriching the lives of children and teenagers. Her efforts transcended conventional library services as she actively engaged in community outreach initiatives to instill a love for reading among the youth. Her commitment to storytelling as a powerful tool for nurturing imagination and fostering empathy earned her recognition as the top storyteller at Iran’s inaugural storytelling festival hosted by the Public Libraries Institution in 2019. Additionally, in 2017, amidst the aftermath of devastating floods in certain areas of Iran, she exemplified her dedication to literacy by spearheading reading and storytelling campaigns aimed at providing solace and support to the affected children and teenagers. Her unwavering passion for promoting reading culture and her tireless endeavors in leveraging literature to uplift communities underscore her profound impact as a librarian and advocate for literacy in Iran’s public libraries.


  1. Co-authorship of Iranian researchers in science, social science, art and humanities citation indexes in the web of science between 2000 and 2006 Cited By : 57, Published By : 2010
  2. Modelling influential factors on customer loyalty in public libraries: a study of West Iran Cited By : 46, Published By : 2015
  3. Enhancing the loyalty of library customers using social media Cited By : 9, Published By : 2013
  4. Mapping Scientific Outputs of Public Libraries Using Co-word Network Analysis Cited By : 7, Published By : 2019
  5. Visualizing the structure of scientific output of Iranian scholars in Science Citation Index (SCI) during 2000-2006 Cited By : 6, Published By : 2010
  6. The Moderating Role of Customer Involvement in Library’s Services in the Relationship between Perceived Value and Satisfaction with the Customer Loyalty to the Public Libraries … Cited By : 4, Published By : 2015
  7. Participation of librarians in virtual social networks to provide services during the covid-19 epidemic (case study: librarians of public libraries in Tehran) Cited By : 2, Published By : 2023
  8. Identifying the strategic position of Iran’s public libraries in the encounter of the closure of face-to-face services due to the outbreak of Covid-19 virus by the SWOT method Cited By : 2, Published By : 2022
  9. Comparison of the Experts’ Perspectives to SciVal Database’s FWCI Index in Identification of Top Authors (Case Study: Top Iranian Authors in Funda- mental Sciences Area from … Cited By : 2, Published By : 2019
  10. Visualization of Hot Topics and Global Trends in Community Librarianship (With an Emphasis on the Role of Public Libraries) Published By : 2024